Settlers of Catan Board

By Schuyler
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Nov 17 2020

Custom board for the game Settlers of Catan. Designed to use with some laser cut tiles made using artwork from Boardcrafting on Etsy.

1 hr 30 min



Files Included (2)

  • Board For Shaper Rev 2.AI

    37 kB
  • Catan Board Rev B.1.svg

    32 kB


0.5" Baltic Birch Plywood


Shaper Origin, Orbital Sander, Jigsaw, Router


Pocket cuts to 0.2 and slots to 0.3 inches depth. Add .075 inch chamfer using the included engraving bit. Cut the perimeter of the board first down to 0.25 inches and then cut all the pockets. Use a Jigsaw to rough cut and then router with a straight cutter and bearing to finish up the perimeter. Use a 45 degree chamfer around the outside to 0.25 inches. Sand to finish. Tiles are laser cut but could be cut using shaper with some modifications. The artwork was scaled down to create approximately 3" hex tiles with a .125" radius. Link to Purchase the artwork files on Etsy (not my work): Note: This board DOES NOT work with original Catan Pieces. If you are going that route I would suggest using this project file:

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