This was my first SO project. Lots of learning but really enjoyed it. I made this as a prototype in Plywood, but will be doing it in walnut next :-) I did it with the standard 6mm and 3mm cutters from SO.
Catan Standard v2 Circle Border.svg
Catan Standard v2 Hex Border.svg
Catan Standard v2 No Border.svg
I built this prototype in plywood. Will do it in walnut next to go with my games table that I am building.
Shaper Origin. Router (hand tool, not electric) if desired.
Make this a row at a time (the HEX shape and any port icons on that row) as you cut through the tape and can't go back (as I discovered to my cost). I did the pocket cuts with the 6mm (I need a bigger cutter!) and edged it with the 3mm to get the tight corners. I would use the 3mm to cut the Port Icons too. Each Hex is exactly the size of the supplied HEX cards, so I ended up cutting at a -0.5mm offset to make slightly larger and this worked perfectly, so you may need to do this. You can use an old-fashioned router (hand tool, not power) to tidy up the pockets. We’ve enjoyed playing on the prototype board - it holds the pieces nicely. the gap between the HEX cards is perfect for a road, and it is easy to set up too. Great if you are a Catan fan. Next, I will build the 5-6 player version on the other side. When I make it out of walnut, I will also fill the Port Icons with black resin (it will look amazing). Happy Catan playing!
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