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Tectus TE340

By type_100|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated November 24th, 2020

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Described cutting history based on bambus wood and an brand new milling cutter. Possibly deviate with different material and different cutter.

10 min



Files included (2)
Band Blockzarge TE_340_3D_BZ_F01_rechts.svg
2 kB
Band Blockzarge TE_340_3D_BZ_F01.svg
2 kB

CMT router bit 8mm shaft, diameter 12mm, total length 70mm, cutting length 30mm
shaper origin optional: Door Mortising Fixture / Bandschablone
Set origin speed 4 1 cut outer contour: 8mm deep 1mm offset 2 cut outer contour: 10mm deep 0mm offset 3 cut inner contour: 22mm deep 1mm offset 4 cut inner contour: 34mm deep 1mm offset 5 cut inner contour: 34mm deep 0mm offset