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Inductive phone charger

By gatoAlfa|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated June 25th, 2020

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Inductive (Qi) phone charger.

50 min



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Poplar 3/4" 8" x 5" Qi charger module from eBay Rubber feet Wood finish.
Shaper Origin 1/4 cutter Hot glue Sanding block
This was designed for specifically for the Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max and the particular charger mechanism that i found on eBay. If you want to build one, get the electronics first and then design around the electronics and your particular phone. Test that the electronics work and charge your phone before starting to build. The idea was to make it the same size as the phone so at night I can just align to phone by touch and it will be properly positioned for charge. The electronics are very cheap, you can get it for under $3, pick something from here: The most important consideration is that the coil, that is the circular thing with "coiled" wire, has to be as close as possible to the phone specially if you have a case for the phone. In my project the thickness of the wood between the coil and the top surface is 2mm. To successfully cut that start cutting from the center out in concentric circles so there is always thicker material supporting the cut and do it in multiple passes with the last pass only cutting 1 or 2 mm. If I was going to build this again I might cut a hole for the wood and then cover the top with veneer. The bottom is cut in two parts because the depth for the coil and the circuit board are different. Project can be extremely simplified if you don't do the plunge for the camera on top. Aligning the top and bottom cuts takes time and skill. For this I followed some ideas from the community posts. I used hot glue to fix in place the coil and the circuit board. The charger module has LEDs to indicate charge etc. The light is visible (reflected on the table) from the side. I used a black marker to paint the LED a little bit to reduce the intensity of the glow. I had to manually carve a little bit the wood by the connector side so the circuit board was closer to the edge and makes good connection to the USB cable.