Serving tray for 2 person (we always use it for sunday breakfast in bed) Dimensions: 50.5 cm x 32 cm
Solid wood like oak, ash,...
Side panels:
Thickness of about 1 - 1.3 cm
- 2x Short sides:
approx 33 x 6.5 cm (final size: 32 x 6 cm)
- 2x Long sides:
approx 51 x 4.5 cm (final size: 50.5 x 4 cm)
Bottom panels:
Thickness of 8 or 9 mm
approx 49.5 x 30.5 cm
Shaper Origin
Hand router or table router
Table saw
Cut the Side panels with the shaper files (long sides can also be cut with a normal saw) For the short side use a inner cut for the handle hole (the rest with outer cut) With a hand router (or better with a table router) cut a groove in the inner side of the side parts all along the length in the thickness of the bottom panel (mostly I plane the bottom panel first knowing which bit I will use for the groove) with depthness of about 6 mm; distance from groove to bottom of about 3-4 mm With the (table) saw cut the corner to mitre Cut the bottom panel using the inside dimensions + 5 mm for each side Glue all parts together Optionally: add some spline to strengthen the mitre joint
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