I grew tired of resorting to using random offcuts and playing cards to shim my tape board to the correct height. It was time consuming, never quite perfect, and usually required clamps to hold the tape board in place. I looked at many of the existing solutions to this problem shared by the community and for one reason or another, none of them quite hit the mark for me. So, I set out to make my own solution.
Jigs & Fixtures
12mm or 18mm Plywood or MDF
3d printing filament (PETG recommended)
Shaper Origin
MFT Table or equivalent
3d Printer
02/18/2024: Updated to add STLs for a two piece wall bracket/hanger for anyone planning to use the tapeboard svgs in this project. I know not everyone has inserts or a press, so this design simply accepts a 1/4-20 nut in the main part (tight fit plus some CA glue will do the trick) and then accepts a 1/4-20 hex bolt in the stop part. 02/06/2024: I've updated the STLs to the "V2" design. Nothing major, just a chamfer on the top of the stand-off and slightly denser threads for more fine-tune adjustments. If you've already printed a set, I wouldn't bother re-printing, but in general, these should be a bit better :) I’m a big fan of the Festool MFT and the 20mm dog hole system, and equally a big fan of 3d printing and so I leveraged both heavily in my solution. With that said, my design makes use of a two-piece, threaded Tape Board Riser: The first piece is a simple nut, disguised as a Table Insert that fits snugly into industry standard 20mm dog holes. The second piece is a mating screw that functions as a Stand-Off for a 12mm or 18mm tape board. The head of the Stand-Off is 20mm in diameter and is designed to be placed into matching 20mm dog holes milled into the tape board. Height adjustment is a breeze with an M6 allen key. I’ve also included an optional “jam nut”. My thought was that it might help to reduce any play that might develop in the threads over time and with use. I haven’t found it to be necessary, but your mileage may vary. Anyhow, this is a flexible solution and can accommodate tape boards of any size. Simply follow the industry standard layout and make sure that any 20mm dog holes milled into the tape board are placed 96mm on center. Use as many Tape Board Risers as required to adequately provide support and voila – a self-registering, height-adjustable tape board surface that is quick to fine-tune, requires no clamps and can be easily stored when not in use. ====== Files I’ve included my tape board design as an SVG. I use the 1060x300 one for the main tape board and use the 1060x150 version to support the Origin in-front of the workpiece if required. That said, the SVGs are super easy to make should you want one at a different size. As for the 3d printed parts, I’ve included two different files for the stand-off. If you primarily work with sheet goods, you might prefer the shorter version. ====== Printing • The risers are designed and optimized for additive manufacturing and should print fine on most 3d printers. • The generous thread size and fillets should offer smooth and quick height adjustment. • Both the Table Insert and the Stand-Off should be printed upside down. • Only the Stand-Off requires supports. I haven’t found a brim to be necessary. • I recommend printing with PETG, but I've also tested PLA which works fine. • If you find the tolerances aren't quite right, you may consider playing with the XY Compensation or Horizontal Compensation in your slicer. ====== Parametric Fusion 360 File I have a fully parametric Fusion 360 file that I’m making available for a small fee. It allows complete control over every aspect of the design. • All dimensions are customizable for fine-tuning fitment • Stand-off length, thread density, thread pitch, thread tolerances etc. If you are interested in supporting my work on this project and you want purchase the file including all future updates, DM me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/arco.made/ I will also be happy to print a set of the risers for folks who don’t have access to a printer. I’m simply interested in covering my cost. ====== Shout out to @deanzyne (IG: https://www.instagram.com/deanzyne, Thangs: https://thangs.com/designer/Deanzyne) for his immense help with this model. Without his expertise, this project wouldn’t have come to fruition.
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