3 more Shapermade bowls

By AndrewWR
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sat Aug 10 2024

Using ZedSled again. More fun making 3D curves with a 2D CNC router. One in purpleheart and one in wenge. 08/08: Added one in Padauk too.

> 2 hr



Files Included (10)

  • reuleaux pentagon bowl inside roughing.svg

    6 kB
  • reuleaux pentagon bowl inside.svg

    52 kB
  • reuleaux pentagon bowl outside roughing.svg

    5 kB
  • reuleaux pentagon bowl outside.svg

    62 kB
  • square bowl inside roughing.svg

    7 kB
  • square bowl inside.svg

    55 kB
  • square bowl outside roughing.svg

    7 kB
  • square bowl outside small.svg

    34 kB
  • square bowl outside.svg

    101 kB
  • square celtic knot.svg

    35 kB


8"x8"x2" block of wood for each


Shaper Origin

2 x clearing bit for pocketing out (60mm and 100mm)

2 x 8mm round nosed bits (60mm and 100mm long)


Engraving bit of your choice (optional flourishes)


What made these tricky was the depth of cut required. I used Zedsled with 60mm rails for this (if that means nothing to you, check out the forum post on ZedSLed here: https://community.shapertools.com/t/a-whole-new-way-to-use-shaper/13500 ). Because ZedSled supports SO above the workpiece, it easily accommodates the use of extra long bits that extend below the tool even when retracted. 60mm long cutters got the first 30mm of cut depth done and the 100mm cutters reached all the way to the spoil board under Zedsled (60mm cut depth!) My first time cutting Wenge is also very likely my last. I have never had a piece of wood so intent on splintering out. The recessed undersides are not a specific cut path, just the smallest of the 'outside' cuts changed to a pocket cut without the finishing 'inside' cut. I left an extra couple of mm too by offsetting. The flourishes are generated using my spirograph for Shaper Origin technique (here: https://hub.shapertools.com/v2/creators/63b611f2fbe48653c207db8d/shares/65d63632f9bd0a149e85e988 ) then editing the SVGs to simulate celtic knots. This was fiddly but I like the results. The Wenge bowl was left rough on the outside because no amount of sanding would eliminate the tear-out I'd got. The Padauk turning blank was under sized because it had been sawn at a jaunty angle so I resized the outside cuts to trim 6mm all round but left the inside of the bowl the same as the Wenge one. It makes for a more delicate look, having a thinner edge. The inlay is crushed opal.

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