Osage Orange Platter

By AndrewWR
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue May 07 2024

This was the first test project for the ZedSled. I don't think this is possible without the ZedSled. If you don't know about ZedSled yet, check out my previous post.

> 2 hr



Files Included (3)

  • Zedsled test tray topside 0-10.svg

    5 kB
  • Zedsled test tray topside 10-20.svg

    11 kB
  • Zedsled test tray underside.svg

    12 kB


Offcut of Osage Orange 520mm x 220mm x25mm


Shaper Origin


50mm sanding arbor for drill.

16mm clearing bit

6mm o-flute bit


Step 1 was to cut two pocket holes to clear out the bulk of the wood using a 16mm bit. These were 10mm and 20mm respectively and are pictured with a ruler for scale. Step 2 was to make 38 more cuts to curve the sides of the bowl. Step 3 was to use a 50mm sanding gisk in a drill to smoothe out all the steps left by cutting. 60 grit got the job done then it got sanded all the way up to 400 grit. Step 4 was to turn the workpiece over regrid using the same corner to ensure alignment. Step 5 was to cut a matching curve on the underside of the bowl. Note. I statred at the 21.3mm coded depth cut path and worked my way in/up, leaving the cutts deeper thsan 21.3mm until last as they effectively cut away the waste that was helping to hold the piece in place. I decided not to sand off the steps underneath because I like that ytou can see how the bowl was made. The tactility when you pick it up is nice too.

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