A Moxon style clamping solution for Workstation and a mortising attachment for Plate (Bonus feature)
Shaper Workstation
Extrusion end cap.svg
Moxon clamping solution.svg
Moxon vise documentation.pdf
4080 extrusion
M8 all-thread
HDPE 100mmx100mmx25mm
hand wheels of your choice
Shaper Origin
M8 tap set and wrench
I've included extensive instructions for this, an easier-to-build wooden version and optional accessories, in a PDF in the attached project files. P.S. Right after I posted this project, Shaper announced their new mortising attachment. This project does that job too with the simple additon of two 4080 compatible T-nuts and two 18mm M5 screws or thumb screws. So now you have a vertical clamping solution for both Workstation and Plate.
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