Hammer Cleat

By alejepa
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Jul 23 2023

A space efficient hammer cleat on 2 layers

1 hr 30 min



Files Included (3)

  • hammer-cleat-bottom.svg

    45 kB
  • hammer-cleat-sides.svg

    23 kB
  • hammer-cleat-top.svg

    25 kB


18 mm Plywood

6 mm Plywood (rear panel)


6 mm standard cutter (8 mm roughing and 3 mm for fine details optional)


Straight forward cutting and glue up Adjustment needs: - Cutouts based on own hammer dimensions - Pockets to be adjusted to actual board thicknesses - Supports to the wall potentially to be moved depending on cleat spacing Other notes: - I could have saved a bit more space by changing the spacing from 4.5 cm to 4 cm (or even less) - Pocket cuts 5 mm deep

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