For a box lid i wanted to create a little Naguri pattern so i made this Jig to create that pattern with my shaper router or any 65mm router you have on hand and a dish bit. follow me for more:
Jigs & Fixtures
6mm Endmill
18mm Ply for the base and side plates
15mm Ply for the Clamp(or use 18mm)
8mm Dowel or metal pins
M8 Screw 60mm
Dish bit 25mm
Shaper Origin
Shaper Router
Extension Cable
So, I made the Base and side plates out of 18mm plywood just by routing them straight out of larger panels I had in my storage. Same thing goes for the Clamp I just doubled two 15mm Ply´s up so you get a larger clamping area. The hole locations on the side aren´t done with the shaper in my case. u used a doweling center Jig and just drilled them in the centerline of the Router hole. the location of the pivot point is drilled in one go so they both align. For the clamping I used a threaded insert because I don’t trust that plywood taking the pulling force and not ripping threads out in that fiber direction. so I drilled the left side larger at 8,5mm so my M8 screw has some play and the Right side at 10,5mm and secured a threaded insert with superglue. After that I cut the router clamp open with my table saw.
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