Charging Station French Cleat

By HSWBuilds
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Oct 31 2023

Charging station french cleat made with friction fit mitre and tenon joinery for glue and fixing free assembly. Part of a series of 8 tool free French Cleats that I cover how to build in the linked Youtube video. Click my profile link to find the others.

20 min



Files Included (6)

  • Charging Station Back 14.8mmED.svg

    2 kB
  • Charging Station Bracket 15mmED 2.5inFace.svg

    6 kB
  • Charging Station Bracket 15mmED 3inFace.svg

    6 kB
  • Charging Station Bracket 15mmED 60mmFace.svg

    6 kB
  • Charging Station Bracket 15mmED 80mmFace.svg

    6 kB
  • Charging Station Shelf 14.8mmED.svg

    2 kB


15mm Ply (or similar see instructions)

Spoil board

Reference board + Shaper tape

Double sided tape



Shaper Origin

6mm spiral upcut bit (or similar)


More complete description of how to build is in the linked Youtube Video (use chapters to jump to it). 1. Determine which Left/Right brackets you should use based on the size of your cleat face (60mm, 80mm, 3", 2.5"); 2. Potentially make SVG adjustments* if your ply is not 15mm (14.8mm real world thickness). Mortices are sized at 15mm wide and 14.8mm tall. Experiment with offsets to see what works with the thickness of ply material you have. I used a 0.1mm offset for internal mortices to ensure tight fit; 3. Cut the back and shelf; 4. Cut the internal mortices on the bracket and test fit; 5. Cut the brackets; 6. Clean up parts with sandpaper; 7. Push fit all parts together. * I cover the basics of SVG adjustment in the Youtube video. Note bracket dimensions assume your wall cleats are made with 3/4" (18mm) ply

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