Baseball Bat Holder

By Brad49
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue May 23 2023

A basic bat holder to hold (6) bats. Made out of 3/4" (19mm) birch plywood

30 min


Storage & Organization

Files Included (2)

  • Base.svg

    52 kB
  • Side Bracket.svg

    4 kB


3/4" or 19mm Plywood


1/4 Bit

16mm clearing bit


Base: - Pocket cut the circles to 3/8" - This is much faster with the 16mm bit but the basic 1/4" bit will do. - Finish cut circles as inside cut - Cut the perimeter as an outside cut (shout-out to the free Autopass trial =) ) Side Brackets: - Pocket cut the center channel - starting with an offset. Keep test fitting the side of the base and sneak up on a tight fit. - Outside cut the perimeter - To create the mirror image use the scaling feature on screen on the SO to place the flipped image Back mounting strip - Dry assemble the side brackets and base - Figure out the side and cut to length. I put a couple pocket screws on each side (back) to help pull everything tight during glue up. Finish - A quick 3/16" round over bit in the trim router and its ready to go. Nothing fancy but functional

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