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Heart ties (butterfly inlay)

By Liturgical3D|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated February 20th, 2023

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3-phase Heart cutouts for inlaying into cracked workpieces.

20 min



Files included (15)
2023-02-18 16.21.02.jpg
2 MB
2023-02-18 16.21.07.jpg
3 MB

strip of wood large enough for the tie (e.g. oak, cherry, etc.).
Origin 1/8" bit Workstation (preferred, but not required) Plate (preferred, but not required)
1) Make grid. Whichever method for fiducial markers you decide to use (workstation, tape, etc.), make a grid - this will ensure that the files for ph. 1 & ph. 2 will align precisely. 2) Add BOTH ph. 1 & ph. 2 files at the same time (if you cannot grid, then make sure you don't move the Origin after placing ph. 1), noting grain direction (refer to image if unsure). z-touch 3) on ph. 1 cut the pocket then do an inside cut 4) on ph. 2 file cut outside (with enough depth to cut through material) 5) Place ph. 3 file, (the "hole") where you want it on the crack, z-touch. Set final depth to the thickness of your tie's stock (use calipers if needed). Default set to "inside" cut, so cut inside, and keep adding positive offset until you've cut out the entire inside. Then make your cut an "on line" cut. Test-fit (careful that it might get stuck so make sure it looks like how you want it to look as you might not be able to get it out. Note: do NOT scale down the file in the machine. If you do, you will need a bit smaller than 1/8 and you risk complicating the insertion. If you need a custom size, best to reach out to request one. You CAN scale up, but it's better to re-design so you don't scale up the bit diameter.