Mini systainer cleat shelf

By Beck_Makes
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Aug 14 2023

modified Shaper Tools design

30 min


Storage & Organization

Files Included (5)

  • bracket left.svg

    1 kB
  • bracket right.svg

    1 kB
  • inverted bracket left.svg

    1 kB
  • inverted bracket rightt.svg

    1 kB
  • shelf board.svg

    592 B


0.5" baltic birch plywood



I have also included a folder for inverted brackets so that the shelf surface sits at the top of the cleat rail. My cleat rails are 3" hight and 3" apart so they are also designed to fit that. The dado does not go through so you could chisel the end square or (1/4') round-over the edge of the shelf as I did. The dimension of the shelf board may be off slightly so maybe cut that last. You could also modify the file to your liking as I did. enjoy. These shelves can be for anything.

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