MCM Googie atomic picture frames

By Beck_Makes
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Aug 14 2022

picture frames

40 min



Files Included (4)

  • backers.svg

    2 kB
  • double frame.svg

    4 kB
  • key hole.svg

    890 B
  • single frame.svg

    3 kB


6x17" hardwood (2x) 3/4" thick

1/8" plexiglass


thicknesses my vary


shaper origin

1/4" spiral upcut


keyhole bit

belt sander

router (table?) w/ 1/8" roundover bit




I wrote out a super detailed instruction and my internet connection went down and I lost it all, so I apologize if this seems brief. Cut the frames starting with the windows. I cut the rabbet at a 1/2" depth (leaving a 1/4" lip to over lap the plexiglass the gives me just enough room to seat the bearing of my 1/8" roundover bit in a later step. I recommend using an offset and using a 0 offset for the final depth to save some sanding time ( i did not, lol) I forgot to add the keyhole to the file but i imagine its easy enough to do in create mode. Could you simply add a 1/2" line, install the keyhole bit, plunge at the bottom point cut the line and return to the start point before retracting? There is also a post by someone else on shaper hub that you could possibly overlay on this file.I just used a plunge router and cut free-hand because quite honestly, I forgot. I did both ends of each so it could be flipped if the final result doesn't look right on the wall. ---edit: Ive added a file for the keyhole bit i have (same as the pen tray box project) .402 diameter. i found that the best depth is .3" You'll have to manually place the file over the frame. practice the cut air cut. I tapered the ends with my oscillating belt sander although you could do this with a plane or orbital sander i suppose. I rounded the face edges with a 1/8" roundover bit on my router table. cut the backers file from 1/8" doorskin. I bought a 4x8 sheet for about $15 ! great stuff to have around as it comes in handy for many things and can be laser cut quite easily... anyway.. use a negative -0.05 offset so they fit in easily. I suppose you could use the shaper origin to cut the plexiglass however i had put it away already and I was due to pick up my son from day camp in 30 minutes, so I quickly traced the doorskin backers onto the film of the plexiglass scraps i had and cut them out on my bandsaw. I say this because i don't know how the shaper performs on plexiglass and Id hate to hear someone damaged their bits or worse because of me. sand and finish. I seem to use Osmo polyx oil on almost everything. assemble and use a point driver or even dabs of hot glue to fasten the backer in place. good luck tag me on instagram if you post this because id love to see it @beck_makes

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