Greene & Greene Cookbook

By Darrell5
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Thu Sep 28 2023

This project covers four of my essential Greene and Greene details: cloud lifts, ribbon pulls, tsuba inlays, and ebony splines.

1 hr 30 min



Files Included (18)

  • CL B 25 125.svg

    2 kB
  • CL B 25 25.svg

    2 kB
  • CL LB 375 3125.svg

    3 kB
  • CL LB 375 5.svg

    3 kB
  • CL M 25 375.svg

    2 kB
  • CL M 375 25.svg

    2 kB
  • Cloud Lift Varations .pdf

    301 kB
  • Ribbon Pull Details.pdf

    327 kB
  • Ribbon Pull Undercut.svg

    1 kB
  • Ribbon Pull.svg

    6 kB
  • Spline Cavity Fixture Details.pdf

    296 kB
  • Spline Cavity Fixture.svg

    1 kB
  • Spline Shaping Fixture Bottom.svg

    2 kB
  • Spline Shaping Fixture Details.pdf

    331 kB
  • Spline Shaping Fixture Top.svg

    3 kB
  • Tsuba Details.pdf

    364 kB
  • Tsuba Inlay.svg

    2 kB
  • Tsuba Socket.svg

    2 kB


Cloud Lifts:

- Variable

Ribbon Pulls:

- Hardwood, 9.625"L x 2.75"W x 0.813"T

Tsuba inlay:

- Hardwood, 4.65"L x 3.98"W x 0.25"T

Ebony Spline Cavity Fixture:

- Template-grade plywood, 11"L x 7"W x 0.75"T

- Hardwood, (qty. 2) 11"L x 3"W x 1"T

Ebony Spline Shaping Fixture:

- Template-grade plywood, (qty. 2) 15"L x 7.5"W x 0.75"T

Ebony Spline:

- Hardwood, 5"L x 1"W x 0.3125"T


Cloud Lifts:

- Shaper Origin

- Sandpaper

Ribbon Pulls:

- Shaper Origin

- Shaper Workstation

- 1/4" Flat Router Bit

- Amana #45982 Router Bit

- Laurel Riffler Rasp

- Sandpaper

Tsuba Inlay

- Shaper Origin

- Shaper Workstation

- Shaper Plate

- Router Table

- 3/32" Roundover Bit

- Sandpaper

Ebony Spline:

- Shaper Origin

- Plunge Router with 5/16" Router Bit and 1" Collar

- Router Table with Amana #51586 Router Bit

- Sandpaper

- Square Hole Punch


Brief notes follow for each of the four projects included in this class. For more detail on each of these projects, watch my Masterclass on Greene and Greene techniques at Cloud Lifts: The "CL" cloud lift templates can be used to route directly into a workpiece using Shaper Origin, or to make a physical template that can then be used with a pattern bit on a router table. I've included a variety of options, including bold, medium, and laid-back cloud lifts. Ribbon Pulls: Begin by routing the main profile, lifted steps, and center relief, with your stock set up on Workstation's shelf. I recommend a straight router bit for the profile and steps, and an Amana #45982 bowl/tray bit for the relief. With the profile completed, you can then clamp the part against Workstation's clamping face, either using the wedged fixture shown in the video, or with clamps, being careful not to clamp in an area that will interfere with routing. Tsuba Inlay: Although in the video I recommend cutting the negative pocket first and then progressively tuning the fit of the positive inlay using scrap pieces, you may find it easier to cut the positive first and tune the fit of the pocket using offsets on Origin. To clear the entire 5/16"-wide inlay pocket using a 1/4" router bit, you'll need to either use pocketing mode or a 1/16" offset on Origin. Ebony Spline: Three files are included for the spline element: two to create a router table template for cutting splines, and one to create a plunge router template to route the pocket the spline sits in. Follow the video instructions to make a few splines, then set up the plunge router template to cut the pocket in your furniture. The plunge router template is set up for a breadboard end which extends 3/16" on each side.

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