Pet Memorial

By Donald30
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Wed Apr 13 2022

We recently lost our beloved dog Lucy. The veterinarian who took care of her in her last moments left us with a cast of her paw print and some of her hair. This project seemed like a good way to display those items rather than just put them away someplace.

1 hr



Files Included (1)

  • petMementoHolder.svg

    2 kB


180mm x 400mm wood, approx. 20mm thick

Paw print casting

Small bottle; mine came from Michael's Crafts

Pet photo; I used a size Small print from Fracture at


Shaper Origin

Shaper Workstation

1/4" spiral upcut bit

1/8" spiral upcut bit

1" bottom cleaning bit

Hot glue gun


All three pocket cuts in this project were sized to fit the objects they contain. Yours may be slightly different. I added relief holes at the bottom of each pocket to make it easier to push the items out from the back. The paw print cast is very fragile, so the relief hole behind it was made larger to spread out the pushing force. I used a small dab of hot glue to hold each piece in it's respective pocket. I chose a vertical orientation for this project, but it could just as easliy be horizontal, or even round or oval.

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