Plane rack for french cleat

By Jackk
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Feb 11 2022

Storage rack for my planes, without any use of glue, nails or screws! Hang it on a french cleat system, with vertical distance of 30cm.

1 hr



Files Included (4)

  • schaafkast-inslag.svg

    885 B
  • schaafkast-plank-boven.svg

    1 kB
  • schaafkast-plank-midden.svg

    753 B
  • schaafkast-zijkant.svg

    3 kB


12mm plywood

(optional) 3mm plywood for the back


Shaper Origin

Chisel / saw


Sandpaper / router with rounding bit


Optionally, cut a piece of 3 mm plywood to fit it in the back. 508mm x 482mm Route slots at 5mm depth and you'll have some room left to fit the back nicely. In some locations you need a saw or a chisel to make a sharp corner. The sides need to be rounded, either by hand (I used sandpaper), or you can route it with a router. When all the pieces are finished, you can hammer in the small wooden pieces into the holes.

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