Kids Growth Ruler

By BrooksHillCollective
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Feb 26 2023

A wall hanging ruler to track kids growth.

1 hr



Files Included (1)

  • Growth Chart.svg

    134 kB


12 x 6 ft board



6" French cleat hardware


Shaper Origin

Orbital Sander


1. Sand board and apply shaper tape. Set up a grid to allign the pattern. 2. Cut pattern using an engraving bit. Most of my cuts were .03" deep, but I would go deeper if I were to do this again. The lines were a little thin. 3. Remove tape, and give it a quick sand, vacuum, and wipe. Clean debris from cuts. 4. Coat in polyurethane. Use a paint brush to get into all the cuts. Consider a double coat. This keept the paint from bleeding into the wood. Surface finish does not have to be perfect as it will be sanded later. 5. Apply Paint! No need to be caregul about staying in the pattern because the next step is to... 6. Sand to remove excess paint. Paint will be removed from the flat surfaces, but stay behind in the engraved lines. This gives nice sharp edges! 7. Finish with another coat of polyurethane. 8. Cut a recess for the french cleat hardware on the back. I purchased the hardware on Amazon, measured the thickness, and then cut to that depth, and did a slightly larger rectangle so I would be able to slot the cleat in. 9. Mount hardware to Ruler. Measure carefully when moutning hardware to wall so that ruler hangs at the right height. 10. Retrieve kid for first measurement!

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