Grogu look alike napkin holder / Serviettenhalter Created by JM1 — Grogu look alike napkin holder / Serviettenhalter - shape the outside with 6mm cutter - for the rest use the engraving cutter with 0.7mm depth - Choose your size of grogu and add your diameter for the napkin hole with the shaper tools. - my sample here is H= 130mm and the hole is ø=40mm
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Grogu look alike napkin holder / Serviettenhalter

By JM1|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated May 21st, 2023

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Grogu look alike napkin holder / Serviettenhalter - shape the outside with 6mm cutter - for the rest use the engraving cutter with 0.7mm depth - Choose your size of grogu and add your diameter for the napkin hole with the shaper tools. - my sample here is H= 130mm and the hole is ø=40mm

10 min



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