Dewalt DW611 / DNP612 Plunge Base

By PartFerret
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Mar 17 2024

Made for router sled.

30 min


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (2)

  • Plunge Base.afdesign

    43 kB
  • Plunge Base.svg

    18 kB


Depths encoded for 16mm MDF.


For the holes - any bit smaller than 5mm.


Alignment holes are provided at the cross-lines so you can route the underside using Plate, flip it over, re-strike the cross-hair using those alignment holes and then route a pocket for the entire base. Place your design at 0,0 center of the Plate window using the custom anchor. Added the Affinity Designer master file in case you rather work from there. Depths are encoded via SvgDepth website.

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