$6 Hobo Plate

By PartFerret
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Fri Oct 07 2022

For those who just want to play with something while waiting for the official Plate. Insert guide inspired by Tony Zeh's laser cut version. Same guide can be used at the bottom and center. 4mm Dominos provided to mount sacrificial fence registration. Although to be honest, 6mm MDF flexes too much when cantilevered. https://community.shapertools.com/t/introducing-hobo-plate/9678

1 hr


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (4)

  • ClampDisc.svg

    1 kB
  • Fence.svg

    1 kB
  • Guide.svg

    1 kB
  • Plate.svg

    26 kB


2'x2', 6mm for plate.

Extra scraps for guide and discs.

4mm dominos


1/8", 3mm

- for fillet corners

- for domino holes\

1/4", 6mm, 8mm

- general use


* Cut the guide and clamp discs first for reference. Narrow bit of guide is away from you when inserted. The bottom bar should be 10mm wide. Clamp discs and related holes are optional however, as I found sticky tape to be easier/quicker to use after playing with this. * On the plate, cut the holes first to utilize the most reference tape. Fine tune the offset. If not using clamp discs, the top two holes may still be useful if you're planning on using track clamps. * Then cut the domino slots, and then finally cut the window out. Be very careful to use 0-offset for the gridding reference points. * For the window, tune the offset by taking material off the sides that are not grid references. * Fence can be any size stock you want. Just cut the domino slots down at least 12.5-14mm and that'll recess it on the plate. (fences are even sized to be cut with the plate! Ah-ha!) And as a bonus, they're reversible in case you do cut into it too much. Engravings are provided for the distance markers. They're meh. Use the engraving bit (lie to origin about 0.1mm dia) and just a passing depth of 0.15mm is enough. I suggest just doing the arrows to get a knife point and draw them in with a marker later. Or just skip this kerfuffle and use a ruler and marker - gasp! Put a bit of sticky tape on the back of the clamping discs. Then use them to fix the position of the board. Be aware they do not provide up-lift clamping and rely on gravity and the Shaper to hold it down. But this also means you can run away with the plate (and have a holiday), leaving the clamp dots and come back later. But really, $6 - just build another plate. Note that you'll need to keep adding tape as you lose some to the cutouts. Keep an eye on it. Also, the 20mm tabs on the side are clear to use for clamps, as shown in the pic of it making its own fence. The top two theoretically also allow you to track-clamp when using in corner mode. Calibration and inaccuracies. If your touch points swell (because MDF) or are just off from the fence by a 1mm - oversize your fence then use Shaper itself to trim it down to where it thinks -50mm is. Likewise for -70Y, +70Y fences if needed.

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