This is my take on the Systainer storage case. I have utilised the 50mm depth of the foam rather than have everything near the top surface. The engraving numbers were done on tool. I haven't included depths as I think its to the end users liking how deep each component fits. I have used the micro-systainer case which the collets came in as a bits box. The case also hides the spare smaller allen-key.
Systainer Inserts
Systainer Reverse.svg
Check the depth for each component as you are going. I had to use a long cutter to get to the 40mm depth I wanted to get 2 rolls of tape in. If you do make sure you only cut the maximum size of the cutter deep. The cut for the smaller Allen-key requires the cut to be done with a 4mm cutter or smaller. I used 3mm but I had to have it quiet far out of the collet to make the depth. I would only do that with a material like this foam which doesn't have a lot of resistance. The engraving numbers were done on tool, the 1/8 & 1/4 were done with individual numbers at a time and a drawn line using the pen tool between them so I could get them closer together. Remember the pencil and the calliper are unique shapes to mine, check yours and change the drawing as needed. I have included a reversed version to for the Workstation support arms as they need to be machined all the way through. This way you can flip the foam over in the jig and machine from both sides. Both drawings are referenced on the bottom and left side.
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