Tapered Sliding Dovetail

By Mark167
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Thu Jan 06 2022

Fusion 360 template for building sliding tapered dovetails.

10 min



Files Included (6)

  • Dovetail Pic.png

    241 kB
  • Rabbet.svg

    781 B
  • Recess for dovetail.svg

    665 B
  • Sliding Tapered Dovetail.jpg

    71 kB
  • Tail.svg

    784 B
  • Tapered Dovetail.f3d

    175 kB


1.3x3 Pine



Shaper Origin


I wanted a template to build a variety of tapered sliding dovetails. I built a prototype in Fusion 360 that allowed me to set parameters and then apply to Origin. I set it up so you could do standard or recessed sliding dovetails, you will need to route the recess to whatever depth you want then add that depth to the dovetail depth. You will have to know a bit about Fusion to use this. I had some problems with router speed, you will be better off trying to mess with the pocket to see if you can "pocket" some space out before using the dovetail bit. In the drawing above you can see "A" shows I needed to be at least 0.12" away from the cut line to avoid messing up the cut. The Fusion model includes offsets from the workpiece to allow you to plunge in before the materal. similar to the method used for the dovetail session published by the Origin team. ** Now that I have tried this a few times, couple of thoughts. First you need to clear out the waste with 1/4 inch bit with appropriate offsets. To avoide tear out I created a template for the rabbet and the dovetail and scribed the outside of the stock. This greatly improved the quality of the cut and wasn't very difficult, I just used some test pieces. Finally make the rabbet slightly wider .005+ to help leave room for glue. You can set the following parameters: * Width - width of the stock. * Length - length of the stock. * Dovetailwidth - must be equal to or greater than the dovetail bit. * BitPitch - angle of the dovetail bit. * Taper - how much taper you want to have, it is divided to each side of the dove tail. * EdgeOffset - how far from the edge you want the dovetail to stop. * MaterialThickness - mostly used for the visualization. * BitDepth - must be less than or equal to the max bit depth. * BitWidth - max bit width.

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