Gameboards are 16.5 inches square to start and then routed to 16" diameter circle. My wife and I wanted a smaller board than standard to make it easier to carry around. One side has 4 player board and space for engraving personalized inscription and the flip side has a 6 player board. The design was done on shaper studio. Studio has very limited methods for documentation of fonts used, routing depths, or routing offsets
Walnut or wood of choice
Felt if 1/4” router bit used, none if 1/2 inch round nose cove bit used with holes natural or painted.
Six sets of 5/8” marbles and six die.
Protective padded case and velvet small bag for dice and marbles
Shaper Origen
I used my standard router to round the edges after completion
1/4" router bit or 1/2 inch round nose cove bit
Engraving bit if monogramed
After glueing up walnut, I planed and finish sanded so that I would have very little sanding to do after routing and engraving. Cut finished board into 16.5 inch square. I started by choosing to do the 4-player board first just in case I did not like my engraving and wanted to plane the board and start again. It would be a shame to do all the work and then not like the final product because of a mistake on engraving. My SVG file has the 16.5 in square with it's origins set to X=0.0 and Y=0.0. After setting up origin to proper grid, I loaded the 4-player SVG and started the engraving. I barely etched the surface with my engraving bit so that I could make small changes and test to see how I liked the depth until I was pleased with the outcome. It is difficult to set the engraving depth exactly the same when manually calibrating depth. After all engraving finished, I cut all the holes. Once the engraved side was finished, I flipped the board, made a new grid and loaded the 6-player svg (Don't cut the outer circle until both sides have been routed} After the 6-player side was routed, I cut the outer circle with about 4 passes. Then, I sanded the outer edge to perfection before rounding the edges with my standard router.
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