Wine Christmas Advent Calendar Tree

By Tronahue
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Nov 21 2021

Wine advent calendar tree with 24 holes. Small hole diameter for front tree panel is 1.567 inches . Large hole diameter for back tree panel is 2.338 inches. Adjust hole diameters to your bottle dimensions. Base panel center holes width is 0.465 inches.

1 hr



Files Included (6)

  • Wine Advent Calendar Tree - Back.svg

    11 kB
  • Wine Advent Calendar Tree - Base.svg

    3 kB
  • Wine Advent Calendar Tree - Front-withGuide.svg

    13 kB
  • Wine Advent Calendar Tree - Front-withNumbers.svg

    33 kB
  • Wine Advent Calendar Tree - Front.svg

    21 kB
  • Wine Advent Calendar Tree -Base-Dogbone.svg

    3 kB


36x48x1/2 inch birch plywood

Wood Stain (optional)

Polyurethane (optional)

1 inch diameter dowel (10 inches long)

Six 10-24 screw insert (Optional)

10-24 screw (optional)


Origin, 1/4" bit, engraving bit

Bench Drill (Optional)

Hand Drill

3/16" drill bit (optional)

Rounding bit (optional)


Use offsets to adjust width of center holes on the base panel to fit the thickness of your plywood. I stained the plywood before cutting & engraving the numbers. Use double sided tape to prevent the cut outs from moving and being sucked by the vacuum. Try to position the shaper tape where it will not be cut while cutting the holes. Cut the holes first before cutting the outside of the tree panel. You might need to add more shaper tape and "add to scan" to your current workspace. I made 2 passes to cut to produce a smoother surface. I use an offset to reduce the size of the holes on the first pass with the depth set at about half the thickness of the plywood. The second pass is cut at 0 offset with full plywood depth. You can optionally round the edges of the tree panels, base and holes with a rounding bit Measure the distance between the 2 holes in the base panel. Use the distance for the length of the three 1 inch dowel cross braces. Drill 1/4 inch holes on both ends of all three dowels and screw in the screw insert Clamp the 2 tree panels together and drill 3/16 inch holes on top and the two lower tree "branches" for the cross brace dowels.

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