Mountain cover for a backgammon

By Woodworking_by_night
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Dec 26 2021

I created a mountain cover for my backgammon board. I used 0.6 mm veneer for this. The mountain cover: very simple. Did an outside cut for the pieces and use tape to put it together and then glued it to the surface. The backgammon: From a SO point of view it is mainly a triangle (and then I personlised it in the middle so didnt include that file). I found it very cool that I could cut veneer using the SO. My trick for making cuts was to use masking tape on top of the veneer.

20 min



Files Included (3)

  • BackgammonInlay.svg

    22 kB
  • mountainFULL.svg

    17 kB
  • mountainIndParts.svg

    16 kB


Veneer 0.6mm



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