This is a work in progress... With the exception of the curved "Baseball is Life" banner which I created using Afinity Designer, this project was designed entirely with Shaper Studio. Most objects have bit and depth settings applied, adjust as desired. If you've installed Jenner, you'll be prompted if something doesn't match. NOTE: other than examining this with the REVIEW option, I have not yet tested this with an actual cut. If something doesn't come out right, I'll update the file.
18" x 20", 1/2" ply board, MDF, or melamine
Dice (2 sets, preferably different colors)
1/4" (0.25") stock to represent players and other markers - suggest brass rod cut to 3/4" lengths, tuning pegs, golf tees, or wooden dowels.
Oracal 813 adhesive stencil film (optional: needed only if painting the engraved areas)
Paint (if desired)
Popcorn and Peanuts optional
1/32" upcut spiral
1/16" upcut spiral
1/8" upcut spiral
Shaper engraving bit
1/4" straight bit
If desired paint the board. When dry, if painting the engraved/pocketed areas, cover it with the stencil mask and then add shaper tape. You'll have better results if you mask all areas where Shaper Tape will be applied. My experience has been that Origin's vision system doesn't handle the contrast between the blue mask and raw wood very well. I recommend that you cut the board oversize or start with a quarter sheet of smooth-sanded ply (2ftx4ft) so you have enough space at the top for mask and tape to cut the arched top. Work from the bottom up! Enjoy! Game Instructions: (see also TO START THE GAME Visiting team rolls first. Roll one die to see the first pitch to start the game. PITCHING TEAM ROLLS ONE DIE TO SEE WHAT PITCH IS THROWN: Odd = Strike/Hit; Even = Walk If the pitching team rolls a Strike/Hit, the batting team rolls two dice and follows the action displayed on the game board that matches the roll. OUTS AND INNINGS Like in baseball, play until three outs are recorded in an inning. When one batter is out, move the ‘out’ marker one spot. When three outs have been recorded, move the inning marker one space and the next team begins their turn. Don't forget to stretch in the 7th inning! RUNS Move the players around the bases on the hits rolled. The game is over when the ninth inning has been played or one team reaches 18 runs. No bunting or stealing – only hits can move players. TIE GAME In the event of a tie game, each team selects a player to roll one die. In sudden death, the first player to roll a 6 wins.
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