Memorial Day (Shield for Kids)

Updated Tue Oct 26 2021

I made this file for use on a laser, for a refrigerator magnet. The circles and star are intended to be cut out of separate color acryllic to form the iconic shield for everybody's favorite Marvel Super Soldier. If you cut out a wooden circle with plywood and screw simple stock wood on the back with cloth between them (as seen on the "knight shield" project) Link below. Then you can cut out the ring




Files Included (1)

  • Mem day.svg

    4 kB


1. 24" square of 1/2" thick plywood, can be rough grade, but must be flat.

2. 2 sheets of 24" square of 1/4" thick plywood, or hardwood. A nice finished surface "no knot" plywood will work great for this.

3. Spray Paint "Red, White, Blue for top rings

4. Spray varnish or wipe on Poly for final shine

5. Wood Glue "Titebond, Titebond II, Titebond III" they have different color lables. the titebond with no roman numeral has a red lable and sets the fastest and has the strongest hold (I believe) link to THD in instructions

6. 3/4" screws (I recommend drywall screws, or anything with a sharp point and course thread with a tapered head)

7. Cloth or Velcro for arm straps. See instructions for link

8. stapler and staples or contact cement.

9. wax paper for gluing (not newspaper)


Shaper Origin

Sand Paper various grits from 100 - 220

screw gun


I made this file for use on a laser, for a refrigerator magnet, so adapting to a wooden shield is possible, but needs someone familiar with SO. Sorry, no pictures yet. I'll add some as I make a few. The circles and star are intended to be cut out of separate color acrylic to form the iconic shield for everybody's favorite Marvel Super Soldier. You can work in all wood instead (which is much more durable for a play shield) and just stain/paint the wood any color you wish. Read all instructions first, before beginning. Some helpful thoughts to save you time are at the end of the paragraphs. 1. Base: Tape wood to work space and use origin to cut out the wooden circle for the "base" out of 1/2" plywood, using a 1/4" bit This wood does not have to be fine grade, but needs to be flat. various sizes can be bought from your local Home Depot or Lowes. My local Lowes has project sizes pre cut to 24" or 36" (some even have hardwood panels in stock if you prefer). Don't worry about screwing through the front of your work at this stage to fit the arm bands. The screws will be covered by the wooden rings in the next stage. Optional: Switch to a tapered detail bit and set a shallow depth, and "score" all the lines. This will aid in assembly to line up the pieces. 2. STAR AND RED RINGS: Rings are numbered from inside to outside #1 (blue with star) #2 (red) #3 (white) #4 (red). Tape 24" square of wood to work space and working inside to out cut out the star and the red rings: (largest ring "#1 ring" and the middle ring "#3 ring"). Cut outside the line for each ring, and star, with a .02" offset, then finish with a 0" offset. If you decided to make this shield smaller for a smaller "captain" use a smaller offset, or a third sheet of plywood to cut out the star. There is a little room between the points of the star and the inner red ring, but not too much. Sand off any "burs" and set aside. 3. BLUE AND WHITE RINGS: Blue ring: cut inside line for star pocket with .02" offset and sand. check fit with star. gradually reduce offset until star fits. This is best done before you cut out the outside of blue ring so the workspace is secured. This project was designed for a laser, so the points of the star may be too long just yet. Center the star over the blue ring and trace the star with a pencil. If you only see pencil marks on the blue ring where the star points go, switch out to a finer point bit on Shaper Origin and see if you can get closer. You may need to finalize later by hand sanding or using a file. You are just test fitting for now. After it looks like a close fit, switch back to the 1/4" bit and cut the outside of blue ring, with same offset procedure above. Next, cut out white ring with an outside cut on both edges and same offset procedure as above. Sand off any "burs" and set aside for assembly. Assembly: Velcro Straps and blocks: (make two sets) Screw simple stock wood on the back with Velcro between them (as seen on the "knight shield" project; link below): Secure one end of fuzz half of velcro under one side, and secure the hook and loop half under the other block before securing the holding blocks. Make sure to cut velcro to sufficient length to allow adjustment. Repeat for both sets of 2 blocks. Adjust to fit on Avenger's arm. This must be done before you glue the final rings in, because they will cover the screws for the blocks. Blue Ring and star: First fit star into blue ring, sanding if necessary for final fit. For an extra effect, round over, with light sanding, the visible edges of the star and ring. Spray paint star and ring separately before final assembly. Don't spray with clear finish yet. Final test fit and glue/clamp together. If you scored the design onto the base layer, use those lines to line up circle and glue in place. Red/white/red rings: Wait at least an hour between gluing rings to allow glue from previous ring to set. If using Titebond II, or III, may have to wait longer for strong set. Following similar procedure as blue/star, for each ring. i.e. Sand and test fit three rings together to ensure snug fit, but loose enough to allow glue between them, then final fit and glue/clamp. Final sanding may be necessary on outside edge if top ring and bottom rings don't fit perfectly. Knight Shield: Velcro on Amazon: Titebond at THD:

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