Card box

By Bart_Jan
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Oct 03 2021

Box for stock of cards

1 hr 30 min


Storage & Organization

Files Included (1)

  • Card box.svg

    1 kB


Piece of wood (I used oak)


6mm bit stock bit supplied with Origin


this project to see how precise the Shaper Origin could work and to practice. I used the 6mm stock bit. The detail of the cover isn't in the file, as people might want to create a different cover. My wood wasn't thicker, so I removed 2,5mm from outside later on using the grid function. I did not create a new file for that, just set the bit diameter to 1mm. Eventualy I did a last pass using a virtual 0.8mm bit to make the right friction fit.

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