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Giraffe Push Toy

By acamacho82|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated July 11th, 2022

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Giraffe Push Toy



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- 5" W x 6" H x 0.75" D wood of your choice - Wood Toy Wheels with 1/4" hole - 1 1/2" - 1/4" Wood Dowel - Super Glue
- 1/8" end mill (Make sure that the cutting length of the bit is bigger than the thickness of the material) - Double Sided Tape - Shaper Workstation
Place board on workstation and secure with double sided tape and install the 1/8" end mill on the shaper router. Cut the holes first using an helix strategy. For the wheel holes use a negative offset to increase the size of the hole to fit the dowel making sure that it can spin freely without too much wobble. I used -0.045" offset for the dowels that I used on the project. Cut the main body contour in 1/8" increments Cut the dowel to the desired length and attach the wheels using superglue. The SVG has some circles in the neck because I was planning on making an inlay with contrasting colors but at the end decided not to do it. Here are the links of the wheels and dowels that I've used just in case. Wood wheels Link: Dowel Wheel Link