MFT Dog Compatible Extended Shelf

By WereAllMadHere
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Sun Oct 23 2022

Extended workstation shelf for use with bench dogs and MFT accessories. Use an ordinary roller stand to support it at the front for heavier stock.

1 hr 30 min


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (1)

  • ShaperOriginShelfv3.svg

    14 kB


3/4" MDF


Shaper Origin. 1/4" Upcut or Compression bit. Optional 1/2" Straight Bit.


Use plenty of tape up top and air cut to make certain. Offset to .01 until the last pass to keep it smooth. Optional: Use an offset to get the holes slightly larger than 1/2" in helix mode, then switch to a straight cut 1/2" bit and helix it out to final dimensions. Worked well. For the mounting holes do the smaller first... may want to offset the holes a bit for alignment. The larger, cut to a depth of 13mm.

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