Mast-R-Left II Smaller Plate Template

By desertdave
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Thu Feb 01 2024

This will cut out the correct opening and drop-in edge for the Mast-R-Lift II Model #02121 lift, the smaller plate version of this lift. Outer dimensions are 8.25" x 11.75" with 3/8" radii corners. Plate thickness is 3.375".

30 min


Jigs & Fixtures

Files Included (1)

  • Mast-R-Lift-2-small-plate-template.svg

    46 kB


Router top of at least 3/4" thick (preferably 1.5" or more)


Shaper Origin, 1/4" upcut spiral bit for 1/4" collet.


Make cutting passes of the Outer Edge and of the Inside Cutout. Then only pocket out the space between these two. Do not cut out the inside cutout first or else you lose the surface the Shaper needs for stability. After cutting your pocket to the final depth for the plate (and zero offset or more for final fit) then proceed to cut out the middle area. Your router bit may not reach all the way through so you may have to finish with a jig saw or other tool.

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