The 6-Pack Beer Caddy

By desertdave
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Wed Aug 11 2021

This is a beer caddy designed to give your craft brews a sweet ride on the way to your next picnic, party, or homebrew club gathering. It holds ordinary 12 oz (350 ml) bottles or cans. It does not hold larger, bomber-style bottles. It would be easy to adapt this design for a 4-pack bomber holder.

1 hr


Storage & Organization

Files Included (8)

  • beer-caddy-bottom.svg

    25 kB
  • beer-caddy-handle-tenons.svg

    20 kB
  • beer-caddy-handle.svg

    15 kB
  • beer-caddy-opener-inset.svg

    19 kB
  • beer-caddy-opener-tenon.svg

    12 kB
  • beer-caddy-post-tenon.svg

    8 kB
  • beer-caddy-top.svg

    30 kB
  • The Beer Caddy.pdf

    1 MB


1/2" plywood or other 1/2" thick wood of your choice.

1-1/2" x 1-1/2" stock material, 8" total length

Bottle opener inserts, cheap on Amazon.


Shaper Origin or other CNC router

1/4" upcut spiral bit


See PDF file "The Beer Caddy.pdf" All parts are cut with the Shaper Origin and simply glued together.

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