Cocker Spaniel

By Bertie
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Aug 23 2021

SVG of a Cocker spaniel - not sure where the image came from but hopefully they won't mind.

> 2 hr



Files Included (1)

  • sam.svg

    2 MB


Material of your choice.


Shaper Origin


Various cutters from 1mm to 6mm

Dewalt DW733 Thicknesser


I used a range of bit sizes to get the tight corners. Also cut using the smallest bit first (1mm) then used an offset to keep away from the delicate bits - not sure if that the best way to do it but I was worried about tear out on the wood and it wasn't that hard. would suggest something better could be used to remove the volume waste areas but I'm new to this and the 6mm but was all I had. Once I had all the material cut out I coated the wood in clear epoxy and allowed it to dry before filling with black epoxy - this stopped colour bleed into the wood fibres. Once fully dry I passed it through a thicknesser to remove the excess epoxy and leave a nice smooth surface. Finished with 320 grade sand paper and coated with lavender beeswax for a nice finish😎

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