Handle / Handgriff > Tools / Doors (180mm)

By Fritz3
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Oct 11 2022

Very useful, if you need a quick solution for a door or a tool. You certainly have a few leftovers of plywood under your workbench, if they are about 16 to 24mm (app. 3/4" to 1") here is a useful handle to make out of it!

10 min



Files Included (1)

  • Handgriff 180mm.svg

    2 kB


Plywood, 16 / 18 /21 /24 mm or other leftovers



Router bit 6mm


Just use a peace of plywood fitting to your workstation and make a few of these. Then use a table router to round off the corners or just sand it. Drill holes for dowels or use screws to fix the handle to your door or tool.

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