Display Shelf with Inlay Background for Toy Boat

By Charles46
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Wed Nov 23 2022

Display Shelf with Inlay Background for Antique Toy Boat. 34" x 22" mahogany, cherry, walnut and padauk.

> 2 hr



Files Included (10)

  • boat, gulls directional.svg

    8 kB
  • toy boat 1st layer.svg

    14 kB
  • toy boat 2nd layer.svg

    9 kB
  • toy boat bracket arm.svg

    1 kB
  • toy boat cherry directional.svg

    13 kB
  • toy boat L frame.svg

    2 kB
  • toy boat R frame.svg

    896 B
  • Toy Boat shelf mortise L.svg

    1 kB
  • Toy Boat shelf mortise R.svg

    1 kB
  • toy boat sun directional.svg

    644 B


Antique toy boat

½” thick mahogany panel, finish size 33” x 20.75”

2 - 7/8” thick cherry 1 ½” x 24”

1 - 7/8” thick cherry 1 ½” x 36

1 - 7/8” thick cherry 6” x 35”

1 - ¼” thick cherry 7” x 54”

1 - ¼” thick walnut 4” x 24”

1 - ¼” thick padauk 4” x 4”

2 - ½” thick cherry (for brace) 1 ¼” x 9”



Panel Assemble mahogany panel with finish size 33” x 20.75”. Cut out all of the inlay pieces. Files are labeled with “directional” in their file name. Individual pieces can be adjusted to fit your stock Because the water is approximately half the panel and no inlays are initially in this area, the import files labeled with “layer” are upside down to save on cutting through domino tape. Create a grid with the set point lower left, import “1st layer” to this position. This layer is just the clouds. Pocket out and finish with inside cut to the depth of the thickness of your inlay pieces. I set offset to -.004 Glue and insert inlay pieces into position. For pieces that touch one and another, you may have to re-run that portion of the shared line after the first piece is placed. Suggest that when all pieces are in place, place a piece of plywood over the work and place a weight on it until the glue is set. Repeat process with “2nd layer” Sand flush. I then engrave the lines (be careful where lines go behind the sails and gulls. Mix glue with fine filtered walnut dust and fill the engraved lines. Sand to finish grit. Frame and Shelf Cut a dado grove in the three frame pieces and the shelf. The dado should be 3/8” deep, ½” from edge and the width should be the thickness of the panel plus 1/32”. For cosmetic purposes after the dado is cut for the shelf, I suggest just cutting a filler piece the width and depth of the dado and glueing it in the dado on each end so there is 33 ¼” Determine the exact length of the shelf, 33 ¼” + 2 x’s the width of the frame. Cut shelf. Using work station or similar setup, use “shelf mortise” files to cut ends of shelf. There are two one for the left side and the other for the right. Left will grid lower left, right with grid lower right. The dovetail should be cut to the depth of the thickness of the frame material. The brace mortise should be cut the thickness of the brace. Similarly, using the files named “frame” grid lower left for left file and grid lower right for right file. For dovetail cut full thickness. For the brace only cut the thickness of the brace. Cut out two braces full thickness grid lower left. The top left and right corners of the frame, I cut 45 degree cuts and used Festool Domino cutter for the jointery. With 7/8” thick material I set the fence at 45 degrees, the fence height at 22 and depth 15 using 5x30mm dominos. Another option would be to use the same dovetails as used on shelf.

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