Extension cord wrap

By Garrett3
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Tue Feb 13 2024

Made an extension cord wrap that hangs on a French cleat. OK, I get it: "The cord will get memory", "you shouldn't keep cords like that", "you need to do the over-under method" I needed a place to keep my travel extension cord, and I just started hanging stuff on some French cleats. I think the cord is 25ft long,

20 min



Files Included (1)

  • Extension Cord Wrap French Cleat.svg

    5 kB


16" x 4.5" 3/4" pine (or what ever type of wood)


Shaper Origin

Standard 1/4" bit

1/4" round over bit


I cut out the shape with the SO Then used a 1/4" round over bit on the handle and where the cord wraps (I used an old school router). quick sand

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