Spice Rack

By SuuBro
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Mon Sep 19 2022

A spice rack sized for 16 "Bart" brand herbs/spices. 400mm * 336mm * 68mm (but any width can be made using the svg template).

1 hr



Files Included (1)

  • Side.svg

    2 kB


Wood 10-11mm depth for structure (e.g. oak)

Wood 7-8mm depth for rails (e.g. mahogany)


Shaper Origin

Shaper Workstation

Wood glue

Sand paper

Danish oil + cloth


1. Use the included template to cut the two end pieces with the shaper origin in 10-11mm thick wood 2. Cut 2 pieces of the 10-11mm wood to 400mm * 68mm 3. Cut 1 piece of the 10-11mm wood to 400mm * 35mm 4. Mount each of the 3 lengths of 10-11mm wood vertically, and place the svg template over them to cut the tenons in each end 5. Glue the pieces you have cut so far together and clamp. Leave to dry. 6. Cut 2 pieces of the 7-8mm wood to 400mm * 50mm 7. Cut 2 pieces of the 7-8mm wood to 400mm & 10mm 8. Mount each of the 4 lengths of 7-8mm wood vertically, and place the svg template over them to cut the tenons in each end 9. Glue the final pieces in place and clamp. Leave to dry. 10. Sand all faces flat 11. Rub in danish oil with a cloth and leave to dry.

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