Designed to work with a wall-mounted cleat system, this station holds your Makita dual battery charger with battery storage space below.
14" x 36" sheet of 1/2" or 12mm plywood
14" x 3/16 steel rod
Two files are included. One for 3/4" thick cleats and made with 1/2" plywood. The other (baltic) for 18mm cleats and made with 12mm plywood (baltic birch). Two shelves should be also be cut, with dimensions 14" x 10.5" and 14" x 11.5". On the larger sheet, one edge should have a 20° bevel (a side profile is included in the cut file). Using a 1/4" cutter, cut the pockets in the template to 1/4" depth. These will house the shelves. You may like to experiment with offsets to find a snug fit that isn't too tight. Then cut out the entire shapes. For the steel rod, drill 1/4" deep holes with a 3/16" drill bit at the points indicated. Put together and glue or use fasteners. -- Note: The pictured station didn't include enough room for the battery to be removed from the rear. The design files are therefore 2" deeper to accomodate for this. If you don't mind placing the charger backward, then you can shorten the design by 2".
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