Mah Jongg seems to be getting a lot of play these days. I'm told the average card table is not quite large enough for comfortable play. Thirty six inch table is recommended. Pictured is a 36" x 3/4" ply just laid on top of a card table for play. To dress it up a bit I worked up a SVG file for the four points of the compass.
36" x 36" plywood
Goodfilla Water Based Wood Filler (suggested)
Narrow engraving bit
There are several ways to locate each symbol. The tape board pictured is simply held in place with double sided tape. If the tape board is placed about twelve inches from a corner, there is ample room to engrave the symbol. I would suggest a narrow bit cutting at least 0.05 deep if using plain plywood to allow for some sanding after fill. Edit to change small NEWS to single line and remove black stroke around custom anchor. If custom anchor is used, anchor point should be about 5.5" from tape board edge.
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