Hey there shapers, This is my poor man version of Shaper Plate. I designed it specifically so that it can work well with my portable work top, Bora (Centipede). My poor man version provides 2mm deep slots in a few strategic location. These slots help keep "F style" Festool clamps in place. The dog holes are 20mm in diameter and 96mm apart. This specification may work with other MFT style as well. Quick tip: keep work space for this after you are done, so that you can add more features later
Shaper Workstation
Shaper plate for Bora.svg
1. 490mm x 566mm x 6mm laminated MDF
2. Shaper tape
3. Scotch tape
1. 1/4" downcut bit
2. Engraving "V" bit (optional)
-Precut the MDF stock to the specified size (490mm x 566mm x 6mm). -Affix Shaper tape parallel to the 490mm edge of the stock, starting from the top and working downwards. Place the tape at 30mm, 83mm, 123mm, 179mm, 219mm, 272mm, and 312mm from the bottom edge of the tape. -For the next two rolls, only use 2 dominos on each side (refer to pictures). From the bottom edge of the tape, affix Shaper tape at 369mm, 409mm, 463mm, and 503mm. -For the last roll, affix Shaper tape at 556mm from the bottom edge of the tape. -Cover the Shaper tape with Scotch tape to protect it. -Scan the work area and align the design with the stock. -Cut the 20mm holes. -Cut the half circles located along the two opposite edges of the stock (3 on each side of the 566mm edge). -Use the pocket cut feature to make slot cut 2mm deep. -If desired, switch to the V bit and engrave the numbers. -Switch back to the 1/4" downcut and cut the rest. -Do not delete the work space from your SO. You may need it later to personalize and add more feature to your poor man Shaper plate. When you do, please don't forget to share :) Remember to never stop creating and have fun! Cheers.
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