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TSW_Tripod Stool - Tall

By TommyMinimalist|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated September 28th, 2021

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A simple to make tripod stool 750mm tall plus thickness of stock. The seat diameter is 300mm. This is based on my TSW_Tripod Stool - Short version. It's still a very easy cut. the only caveat is the lag pieces need to be cut from both sides of the stock. Each files are saved separately so that you can take advantage of scrap pieces of plywood that you may have lying around your garage. Enjoy it SO community

1 hr 30 min



Files included (12)
Intermediate branches.svg
3 kB
Intermediate center.svg
3 kB

- 18mm Birch plywood - 5/16" dowel (optional) - Glue
- Shaper Origin - 1/4" spiral upcut bit - Sandpaper - Wood filler (optional)
1. Cut all pieces as per SVG fils. Pocket depth as shown on the .png file and cut depth as per thickness of stock. 5/16" diameter holes are optional 1a. For "leg" and "leg mirror", flip stock vertically then use flip and rotate function on SO to make a flipped copies of "leg" and Leg mirror". IMPORTANT, when place copied of those two design, make sure that origin you used on the flipped side of stock is exactly the same location as the origin you used on the opposite side. Pocket out area outlined in blue 2. Glue flat side of "leg" and "leg mirror" together. Optional: Use 5/16" dowels to help with the alignment. Use glue in and around the dowels area 3. Glue flat side of "intermediate branches" together. 4. Clamp the glued pieces together and wait until the glue dry. 4a. If dowels are used, trim the dowels to flush with plywood surface 5. Sand all pieces to desire finish. 6. Assemble leg pieces and intermediate branches together (use plenty of glue) 7. Assemble all legs to "seat bottom" first then assemble "seat top" (use glue if you don't plan on disassemble it in the future) 8. Assemble "intermediate center to exposed end of " intermediate branches" (use glue if you don't plan on disassemble it in the future) Tip: If tight fit DO NOT use hammer to force the pieces to fit into each other. Use clamps to squeeze them instead. I learned it the hard way. 9. If desire, use wood filler to fill in wood cavities and gaps, then sand the entire workpiece to desire finish