I needed a dedicated toolbox that hold everything I need or may need while on a job that has to deal around my power drills - so this box holds everything I need to screw, connect and drill. I am pretty sure you don't need it as it is, but get inspired copy a few tool outlines or just the outline for the foam that suits the drawers of the systainer
Systainer Inserts
Toolbox Insert Bohrer.svg
foam board ( look online for tools foam if your local tools dealer doesn't sell foam inserts)
Shaper Origin
You can use the regular wood base that is used to cut the regular sustainer foam inserts. It fits snuggly into it and does not move around. Tip from my side, use a hot air gun to smoothen the frayed edges of the foam that may be left from the router bit. But work quickly with the hot gun otherwise your foam is gone ... test it on a leftover
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