Leather embossing / shirt stamps

By Dr.BuckyLab
BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
Updated Wed Dec 23 2020

not a file to share but a technique for your own inspiration !

20 min



Files Included (1)

  • sorry empty.svg

    357 B


high dense renshape or Obmodulan ( PU Foam)


Shaper Origin, Leather or fabric


I love to make my own logos on everything. engraving them directly with the Shaper is one possibility but invert the logo and cut it out of a high dense PU Foam or even wood to create a stamp to print T-Shirts. I also made smaller stamps that you can press into moist leather ( test it - some work better than other types of leather ). Leave the stamp clamped on the leather for at least 4 hours.

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