A simple box, using white oak and black valchromat.
8mm Black valchromat
Shaper Origin
Dovetail Bit (15° / 13.8mm diameter / 13.5mm depth of cut)
6mm bit
45° V-Bit for chamfering
This small Project is mainly here to encourage anyone to test the tool developped by @bieber presented here https://community.shapertools.com/t/i-added-half-blind-dovetails-to-my-dovetail-generator/8566 It will allow you to adapt my design to your own dimensions (wood pieces, dovetail bit). Do not use my files (tails, pins_a and pins_b) unless you have exactly the same dimensions as me, AND the same dovetail bit! You can check the dimensions on the SVG files, my boards were 12.2mm thinck, 168mm x 80.5mm Top and bottom are 8mm thk oak plates, adjusted to fit, depending on how you want to assemble them (I did a 4mm groove, at 4mm of the edge on the inside using Origin, the factory 3mm bit, and the onboard drawing tool. And cut a 4mm rabet on the top and bottom plate to fit in this groove and be flush with the top and bottom). The box was completely assembled and glued, and then cut in two. Again I used Origin and the 3mm bit for that (cos I don't have a table saw!). Just to say that you can do A LOT with your Shaper Origin and the Workstation. The recess on the top is a simple 3mm deep pocket circle, and an online cut at 2.9mm deep with a 45° V-bit. I also made the slot for the handle using a 6mm straight bit, and chiseled the corners square. The handle is cut from 8mm thick black valchromat using the provided SVG. The inside black panels are again black valchromat, that I cut with the origin, and the onboard drawing tool to fit eaxctly my dimensions. I even made the chamfers on the sides using the 45° V-bit.
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