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Wall Mount

By DavidMtp|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated May 17th, 2021

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A simple wall mount with tenons and mortises...

1 hr 30 min



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330 x 70 x 22mm thk (for bracket) 22 x 22 x 310mm square section stick for upper horizontal bar 330 x 110 x 26mm thk (for wall mount)
Shaper Origin Workstation (or equivalent jig for vertical and 45° cutting) 6mm long reach bit keyslot bit for wall fixture (optional) hand router for 45° chamfering - optional chisels for finishing touch
I made this simple wall mount using the left-overs from the shop stool I made a whaile ago. So this is wallnut, 22mm and 26mm thick. I already had a 310mm long 22x22mm square section of wallnut, but this can be cut from the same piece of wood as the bracket. Here is a quick how-to: 1- cut the 45° bracket from your 330x70mm piece of wood (you can optionally also cut the horizontal bar at this stage if you have a larger 22mm thick block that can accomodate both 01_45deg_bracket.svg and 04_horizontal_bar.svg files. In that cas, also cut the mortise in the horizontal bar from step 4) - mark down the UPPER and LOWER parts!! 2 / 3- use a 45° jig to cut the UPPER and LOWER tenons on the bracket. I made outside cut passes, with 6mm offset, and 0.2mm offset, down to 26mm depth, and then a finishing pass at 0 offset 4- cut the mortise in your 310mm long square bar. I made a grid referenced on the lower left corner, with a grid value of (measured width/2) (this is more precise in my experience for placing templates in the middle of pieces). test fit the 45° bracket and adjust using negative offset if needed (-0.1mm at a time) 5- cut the tenon on the bar using a vertical jig. ATTENTION to properly orientate the tenon file regarding the upper face, and the mortise! 6- cut the wall mount plate from the thicker 26mm plate. Note that if you want to cut a keyhole slot, you will cut the back face of the part (so check your wood quality and defects before!). Cut the mortises and test fit/adjust like you did on step 4. Assemble, add your personal touch, glue, sand, oil, and that's it! Feel free to use and adapt it to your needs. David