A fancy box -- the inlay wraps around all four cormers of the box. And the wood grain also wraps around all four corners. If that's not enough, the wood grain of the inlay wraps around all four corners.
A leaf lower_depth.125in.svg
A leaf upper_depth.125in.svg
A right twig_depth.125in.svg
A twig left_depth.125in.svg
AB leaf positive_depth.125in.svg
AB Negatives_depth.125in.svg
AB Vine with board and anchor.svg
b leaf_depth.125in.svg
B twig_depth.125in.svg
BC Twig full positive-depth.125in.svg
Box lid for mortise.svg
C Twig_depth.125in.svg
CD Negatives_depth.125in.svg
CD Twig with Waste positive-depth.125in.svg
CD Vine positive with board and anchor.svg
Far right leaf with waste positive_depth.125in.svg
Inlay wrap box.pdf
leaf for lid_depth.125in.svg
left c leaf_depth.125in.svg
right c leaf lower_depth.125in.svg
Right C leaf upper_depth.125in.svg
5/4 hardwood for box, about 24" by 5," plus more for top and bottom.
4/4 hardwood for inlay branch, about 24" by 3."
1/8 hardwood for inlay leaves
Shaper Origin, 1/8 bit, 1 mm bit, larger bit for clearing inlay negatives
Workstation sure is helpful, but I guess is optional
Table saw with reliable crosscut sled
Its an intricate project, so its best if you've already made small boxes you are happy with and you've already made inlays you are happy with. The PDF has detailed instructions, both for the design and the build. If you wanted the make this by wrapping only the inlay (and not bothering with the grain wrap), then you could use pre-milled stock (3/8ths thick for the box sides and 1/8th thick for the inlay positives). Then you would not need the jointer and planer.
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