Five bottles and a brush fit on the bit cleaning station. Bits and bit cleaner go in the bottles. Let them soak overnight, then brush off the gunk.
Bit cleaning station bottom.svg
Bit cleaning station top.svg
Top: 1/2 inch plywood, 6.5 by 5
Bottom 3/4 inch plywood, 6.5 by 4.5
Back: 1/2 inch plywood, 6.5 by 3.25
Cleat: 6.5 wide
Shaper Origin
Straight bit to cut holes (1/4 inch works fine)
Engraving bit to add chamfers to holes (if you want)
The bottles come in a pack of 24. The bottles fit the largest bit I have for the SO (the 16mm clearing bit). Would be nice to buy fewer bottles, but this is what I found. The neck of the bottle makes it hard to get the bit out when cleaning fluid is in the bottle. So I soak only 4 bits at once and keep the fifth bottle empty; when I'm ready to remove a bit I pour the fluid into the empty bottle. I'm using CMT bit cleaner. It seems to work OK, but I haven't tested other options. Cut through holes in the top. Use an engraving bit with a shallow online cut to add a chamfer to the holes (if you like). Bottom holes should be 3/8ths deep. Assembly should be pretty clear from the photo.
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